How to Throw an Awesome Fight Night Party

Written by
Legends Boxing
Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Do you have friends who are as into boxing as you? A fun way to enjoy it together (besides going to the gym) is to host a fight night. Imagine everyone cheering in your living room or backyard!

You don’t need to spend a lot of money for a great party or be left cleaning up after everyone. Just follow our six tips below, and you’ll have a great time and enjoy the heck out of the evening. 

1. Pick the Best Location

A fight night party doesn’t always have to be in the living room. If you have a good patio or backyard where you can put a TV, chairs, sofas, and so on, it can work. But make sure your neighbors are okay with it, and you don’t be too loud. 

Otherwise, decorate your living room or den with a boxing theme (maybe!), and make sure you have enough comfortable seating for the number of guests you expect.

2. Invite the Right Number of People

Figure out how many people could comfortably see your TV without it getting too crowded. If it’s outside, this can be a little easier, but don’t invite so many it becomes a circus. 

Also, think about how to split the Pay-Per-View bill! Let your guests know how much it costs, and estimate the amount each could help with—if you’re splitting it 10 ways, for example. But expect fewer people to show up, and estimate from that.

When you invite people, be very clear about when to show up, what to bring, and where it’ll be.

3. Take Care of Food—or Have Your Guests Do It!

You don’t have to spend a ton on food. Get some easy appetizers, or order some pizzas that everyone can pay for. 

Probably the most fun, though, is just to have a potluck. Everyone can bring something they really like. Again, be clear about the food situation when you invite people. That way, they can plan ahead. 

4. Make a Place for Kids

If you or your guests have kids, make a nice place for them to hang out. If you can save your guests from paying for a babysitter, sometimes that can help them come to the party.

You can get juice boxes, chips, fruit, popcorn, cheese sticks, and popsicles and lay them out on a table in another room. Avoid soda, which gets spilled or left in weird places.

Find fun board games and other activities for the kids, or set up a movie night in another room for them.

5. Get Paid Easily

When you need to collect the money for the viewing bill, ask your most outgoing friend to walk around with a hat, a boxing glove, or whatever to get it for you. You could also leave a money box by the door instead, or use an app.

Just don’t make a big deal out of the money. If you collect a little less or more than you need, it’s not that important.

6. Don’t Clean Up Alone

Don’t expect to clean up after everyone. Ask for help! The night doesn’t have to end just because the fight’s over. You can hang out, talk about the fight, and clean up together. It’ll give people something to do with their hands. 

Prepare for the cleanup by getting some extra trash bags, paper plates, and plastic cutlery to make it easier. You might get small plastic bags for leftovers too.

If you want to meet more people who love boxing and would come to a fight night, join Legends Boxing. Kids and adults can get a great workout, build their confidence, and become part of a community. Read more about fitness on our blog, and visit our memberships page.

Written by
Legends Boxing
Wednesday, August 21, 2019