Preparing for Your Summer Body

Written by
Legends Boxing
Friday, March 15, 2019

It might not feel like it just yet, but summer is not as far off as it might seem. This is especially the case if you are wondering how to get a summer body—in time for summer. If we wait too long, we can spend most of summer working on the body that we wanted when the season starts. So the time to start is now. With some motivation and a good plan, you can start summer off in great shape.

Set Your Goals

Having a vision of where we want to be helps us get there. Setting goals for your beach body or bikini body workout and the end results you want to see will help you stay motivated, and it will help you devise ways for getting there. It is best to be specific with your goals. It is good to be ambitious but also realistic. Give yourself a challenge, but don’t set yourself up for failure by expecting too much. The real key to getting in shape and feeling great is the process. If you eat right and work out, the results will follow.

Make a Plan

Once you have your goals in place, the next step is to lay out a plan for getting there. Your summer body workout should include a timeline with an end goal, something like Memorial Day or that first vacation of the season. But remember to keep going even after that.

Choose Your Fuel

Eating right is a huge part of getting a great summer body. There are a lot of nutrition plans out there, so do your research and find one that works for you and that you will stick to. Good eating habits include cutting out sugar, especially sugary drinks, eating more vegetables, and getting a good balance of nutrients. Other things you can do include getting most of your calories earlier in they day when you are most active and controlling portion sizes.

Set a Routine

When deciding how to get a summer body, working out is vital. You want to find workouts that will involve a solid combination of cardio and strength training. You also want to find something that will keep you interested so you are more likely to stick to your workout routine. Find a gym that works for you with exercises that you will enjoy.

Boxing is an excellent option that checks all of these boxes. A boxing workout routine involves a lot of cardio, full body workouts, strength training, and most importantly, fun! A boxing workout keeps you focused on learning skills and techniques so you think about much more than just how hard your body is working.

Get the Support You Need

Getting the summer body you want can be a challenging process. It takes a lot of work and focus. One of the best things you can do is to find workout partners to take the journey with you. By joining a group for your workouts, you get added motivation to show up each day and the encouragement you need to keep going. You can also make new friends and help each other feel empowered.

Join our gym to get the boxing workout you are looking for while becoming part of a group that will help you feel stronger. Getting the summer body you want was never so much fun.

Written by
Legends Boxing
Friday, March 15, 2019