Keeping Up with Fitness Once School Starts

Written by
Legends Boxing
Monday, July 8, 2019

Summer fitness is often very different from keeping fit during the school year. While summer trips can get in the way of regular workouts, the warm weather also offers plenty of opportunity for keeping fit through hiking, biking, swimming, and other outdoor activities. Once you head back to school, it can be a challenge staying on track with your fitness goals.

The key is to make a plan, revise your goals, and remember what it is like to work fitness into a busy school schedule. These tips will help you keep that fit summer body all year long.

Evaluate Your Past Routine to Get Ready for Back to School

Unless the school year is a new thing for you, one thing to remember at back to school time is that you have been there before. Think back on your routine from last school year. Evaluate what worked and what you would like to change. You can also think about the summer exercise you have enjoyed and find ways to work it into your back to school routine. If you loved going to the pool regularly during the summer, find an indoor pool to keep going when the weather turns cold.

Set Some New Fitness Goals

Fitness goals are key to establishing a workout routine. What areas do you want to improve in your fitness? Do you want to increase strength for lifting, stamina to improve your performance in activities like boxing or basketball, or a combination of each? You can also think about the summer activities you like to do and how you can train for next summer.

Make Sure Your Workouts Are Balanced

As you set your fitness goals and plan your back to school routine, make sure you account for all your major muscle groups, especially when thinking about strength training. Your routine should include a balanced focus on the legs, arms, shoulders, chest, back, and core. Think about opposing muscle groups like quads and hamstrings, for example, and make sure you work each equally to avoid potential injuries down the road.

Join or Get Back to a Class

Even the most self-motivated people can benefit from a little structure. Joining a class, like a Legends Boxing class, can give you additional opportunity to work out, a little structure and added motivation to get to the gym, as well as a positive group of workout friends to provide some encouragement. Activities like boxing also provide a fun and focused activity that gives you a great workout while thinking about technique instead of the actual workout.

Be Positive

Have a good attitude as you adjust your fitness goals to back to school. It will take a little time to get back into the swing of things, so don’t beat yourself up if you miss a workout because of a school activity or a packed day once in a while.

Don’t Get Too Ambitious at First

If your workouts have slowed down during the summer, get back into your school year fitness routine gradually. This will help your body adjust to working out more, and it will help you get used to a busier schedule.

Above all, have fun! Get to a Legends Boxing gym near you and have a great time while reaching your fitness goals.

Written by
Legends Boxing
Monday, July 8, 2019